The Celtic approach to living missionally
The attractiveness of a loving Christian Community was demonstrated in the success of the Celtic church.
Reformation - 'the action or process of reforming an institution or practice'
During my recent visit to Geneva, Switzerland I was reminded of the lives of great church leaders who challenged and reformed the church....
Astonishing Progress
Glimpsing several cows through a fog on an unfamiliar road, one might wonder: “Just how many more cows are out there?” A similar fog...
‘Gathering’ for Encouragement
The ‘Unbounded Church’ is an ‘Idea’, the idea that for the church to be missionally effective in the Australian it needs to be unbound,...
25 Ways To Be Missional in Your Neighbourhood
I have found that it is often helpful to have practical ideas to start engaging the people around me. Most of the things on this list are...
Is your simple church healthy?
Establishing a simple church/missional community is the exciting initial step. However, it is important that the missional community is...
7 Ways to Keep Your Missional Community from Multiplying
Here are some ways to ensure that your MC never multiplies. If you follow these simple steps, you’ll ensure yourself a long life of...
Rethinking Church - Francis Chan
Francis explains the vision behind his new church planting movement in San Francisco, which is still in its experimental stages. Keep in...
5 MINUTE VIDEO: Starting Organic Church
In this video, Keith offers advice about what to do if your spouse isn't as excited about ekklesia as you are and why you should take...
Where do Spiritual Gifts fit into Simple Church?
People tend to serve as they feel led and in ways that fit them as there are few if any appointed positions to aspire to. The motto is...
What makes a Simple Church?
Simple churches are not defined by simply meeting in homes as they can also gather in various places – cafes, community centers, sports...
A New Years Focus
With the commencement of a new year is a time when many people make resolutions and reflections on what they will or won't do in the...
How to Start a House Church
House churches are not organizations that require people with administrative skills or immense giftedness to coordinate and direct a...
Legal and Practical Matters Affecting Home Church
We believe that biblical ‘oikos' gatherings of Christians are safe and biblically legitimate in the 21st century just as they were in the...