Category: Simple Church

Some real felt needs within simple church/ missional faith communities.

  Monday 1st August, 2016
  Author: Phil Brown
  Categories: Simple Church, missional
  Topic(s): Mission, General

Having visited many missional groups and simple church leaders within Australia I am hearing some needs that seem to be widespread young...

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Starting a Simple Church/Missional Community

  Monday 1st August, 2016
  Author: Bessie Pereira
  Categories: Simple Church

So you are excited about being part of a simple church or missional community. The name missional community highlights the purpose of...

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The Sower and the Soils

  Monday 1st August, 2016
  Author: Bessie Pereira
  Categories: Simple Church, missional
  Topic(s): Discipleship, General

We saw that only one of the four soil types was described as “good soil”. A good farmer would surely be aware that the three inferior...

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Youth + Children in simple church

  Monday 1st August, 2016
  Author: David Nott
  Topic(s): Youth

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Why, Oh Why Didn't I Take the Blue Pill?

  Sunday 1st March, 2015
  Author: Maurice Smith
  Categories: Simple Church

O.K., the reference is to the first Matrix movie. And I need to "set up" two scenes. In the first scene Neo (the Christ figure in the...

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If I Had Organic Church To Do Over Again

  Saturday 1st June, 2013
  Author: Maurice Smith
  Categories: Simple Church

Let’s pretend for just a moment that Jesus showed up and announced that He was going to lead your house church. What do you think He...

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