The Disciples Toolbox is a 13 part series created by Phil Brown of Oikos Australia to give an overview of what the processes and tools that can be used in making disciples who make disciples.
The Disciples Toolbox

1. The Disciples Toolbox - Introduction
Phil Brown, National Director of OIKOS Australia, Introduces us to some important spiritual tools for increasing our effectiveness in making disciples. Getting your head around being effective in Jesus great commission to 'Make Disciples' can be a challenge. Many people ask so what does that actually mean? What does it look like?
Join us in this exciting 13 part video series that you can use in your small group, simple church, or on your own.

2. The Disciples Toolbox - Vision
Across Australia & beyond there is a growing hunger and grassroots vision, of people captured by Jesus simple model to grow his kingdom by making disciples who make disciples. What Jesus started was a movement that has multiplied throughout the world. Are we seeing this multiplication where we are now. Are we disciples who are radically in love with Jesus and pursuing his Kingdom.

3. The Disciples Toolbox - Listening To God
God desires for us to fall passionately in love with Him, just as he has passionately pursued us through Jesus. As we learn to listen , to find quiet time, we will hear His voice, He says, 'my sheep hear my voice'.
This video explores, the Two great commandments of Jesus: to love God with all our heart, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Deepening intimacy with God and learning to listen to His guidance, through the Holy Spirit are key as we reach out to others.

4. The Disciples Toolbox - Being Missional
Are we captured by the vision of “Catching people for Jesus? Jesus talked about 'making us fishers of men' As his followers we will live and see the whole of our life 'on mission'
The story of the elephants and the rabbits is powerful illustration of the impact of small groups and their ability to multiply rapidly into movements.

5. The Disciples Toolbox - Incarnational Ministry
Incarnational describes how Jesus left heaven to come down into our world. Like Jesus we are to enter into the world of different people and groups and share the Gospel in their context. Rather than expecting them to come to us, we go to them. Many churches are “extractional” and trying to attract non Christians to Christian meetings & churches. We are challenged to go amongst people as 'salt' and enter their world. When we are like salt we season their world.

6. The Disciples Toolbox - Person of Peace
When Jesus sent out his disciples (the 12 and the 72) he gave them some instructions to follow in their mission trip when they entered a new place. One of which was to look for a house or 'person of peace'. This was someone who welcomed and accepted them. They were then to stay with that person and share the reality of the kingdom of God. This person of peace would often invite family and friends and share their discovery of the Good News of Jesus. The Bible tells of one woman at a well (John 4) who invited the whole village to come and meet Jesus. Finding a person of peace is a key to starting new missional communities.

7. The Disciples Toolbox - Sharing Faith part. 1
All followers of Jesus are called to share our faith, which includes telling about our own experience with accepting Jesus.
Finding ways to do this with people can be challenging and this video, help us with tools to turn a conversation to spiritual things. We need to get good at 'bridging' the conversation to spiritual themes:
- Listen to them and understand their story
- Share a little of your experience and testimony
- Include God in your story and his impact in our life

8. The Disciples Toolbox - Sharing Faith part. 2: The God and Man Story
Many people have little idea of Jesus story, and Gods great plan for mankind. It can be important to share an overview and summary of the Bible story – which is God and man's story. Practise it, and then share it with others. There are some good websites that can help you with this - just search God and Man Story or 7 Cs of creation.

9. The Disciples Toolbox - Sharing Faith part. 3: Who do we share faith with?
A great starting point to sharing Jesus with our friends is creating an Oikos map – Oikos means household or friendship network. Making a focused list of our family and friends and people from our relational network and then identifying who is far from God. Explore the 5x5x5 prayer challenge and other ways to engage with different groups.
Sharing keeps us spiritually alive.

10. The Disciples Toolbox - Come and Follow Me
A decision to follow Jesus involves repentance (changing our mind and direction) and being baptized as a confession of our faith in Jesus. It also involves sharing your faith with others.

11. The Disciples Toolbox - Discovery Bible Study
We need simple, easy to follow tools for learning and growing in scripture. Anyone can do this from the newest believer. An increasingly popular self discovery approach to the Bible, based on a focus on learning, growing and putting the truths of the Bible into everyday practice. Anyone can do this - you don’t have to be an expert!

12. The Disciples Toolbox - When disciples Gather: Missional Communities/Simple church
Disciples gather to learn, to grow, to encourage, to love and serve. Some principles to follow are being like a family, loving one another, sharing, maximum participation, expressing the life of Jesus, and being relational and obedience focused. There are no fixed formulas in gathering together but some important elements are suggested In this video.

13. The Disciples Toolbox - Prayer Walking
Prayer is foundational. Prayer walking is a powerful tool which involves walking around an area and interceding for the community and praying for God to bind the forces of the enemy and to open peoples hearts to the Gospel. It can also be done to look for people of peace.