Category: Missional

The Sower and the Soils

  Monday 1st August, 2016
  Author: Bessie Pereira
  Categories: Simple Church, missional
  Topic(s): Discipleship, General

We saw that only one of the four soil types was described as “good soil”. A good farmer would surely be aware that the three inferior...

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Wounded Healers

  Tuesday 1st September, 2015
  Author: Mike Breen
  Categories: missional
  Topic(s): Healing

For 30 years I have felt compelled to heal the sick. I’ve no idea how many people I’ve prayed for or how many people I’ve trained to do...

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Multiplying Groups - The Crucible Project

  Sunday 1st June, 2014
  Author: Peter Fowler
  Categories: missional, Discipleship

It is not difficult to form new groups, what is difficult is to instil the DNA of kingdom multiplication within each new group from its...

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The Gospel and the Kingdom

  Thursday 10th April, 2014
  Author: Phil Brown
  Categories: missional
  Topic(s): Mission

At its core the Gospel is the good news of what Jesus has accomplished for us in His death and ressurection and the free gift of...

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5 Ways to identify your person of peace

  Sunday 1st December, 2013
  Author: Alex Abslom
  Categories: missional, Discipleship

I believe that many, many disciples can be released to go out as witnesses simply by implementing this basic strategy. The Person of...

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Different Glasses and the Cringe Factor

  Sunday 1st December, 2013
  Author: Phil Brown
  Categories: leadership, missional

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Kayla's Story

  Tuesday 22nd October, 2013
  Author: Phil Walters
  Categories: stories, missional

As weeks went along 10 people came and it blew my mind. I was so happy and thankful that they showed up. After that we would bring free...

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